Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Balance Leg Workout LV2

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Balance board work builds more muscle fiber then just doing the workout on a steady curface. You can do these workouts without a balance board as well. WATCH FOR REPEATS!

WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.

TOOLS: dumbbells, balance board

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 30 seconds to 1 minute and REPEAT circuit one, 1 more times before moving onto the second circuit.
  • One Legged Squat on Balance board
  • Single-Leg Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift on Balance Board
  • Balance Board Weighted Squat
  • Dumbbell side lunge on board
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 30 seconds to 1 minute and REPEAT circuit two BEFORE REPEATING CIRCUIT 1 & 2 ONE MORE TIME. DONE!
  • Dumbbell lunge and rotation on balance board
  • Sumo Squat To Stand
  • 3 Position Calf Raise
One Legged Squat on Balance board
  • Slowly step onto the balance board with one foot, holding on to a wall or sturdy object for balance if necessary.
  • Take your time adjusting your balance until you can stand upright with your opposite leg lifted (knee bent), back straight, abs engaged, and arms extended in front of your shoulders.
  • Keep your lifted leg still as you push your hips back and bend the knee on your balancing leg to squat down.
  • Straighten your balancing leg, pushing your hips forward to push up to the starting position to complete one rep. Finish several repetitions on the this same leg to complete one set.
  • Switch sides and repeat on the opposite leg.
No board: do the same action just without the balance board. THEN GO BUY ONE! ;)

Single-Leg Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift on Balance Board
  • Using an overhand grip, hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length next to your sides.
  • Stand with left foot balancing on the balance board.
  • Raise your right foot and, without changing the bend in your left knee, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor.
  • Pause, and return to the starting position.
  • Do all your reps, switch legs, and repeat
Balance Board Weighted Squat
  • Step gently onto your balance board.
  • With both hands, grab one end of a dumbbell to hold it vertically in front of your chest, and stand with your feet slightly beyond shoulder width.
  • Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor.
  • Pause, and push yourself up to the starting position.
Note: If that's too hard, don't use weight. If you don't have a board squat without one.

Dumbbell Side Lunge on Board
  • Step gently with one foot onto your balance board
  • Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length at your sides.
  • Take a big step to your left and lower your body by pushing your hips backward and bending your left knee.
  • As you lower your body, bend forward at your hips and touch the dumbbells to the balance board
  • Repeat and then switch to your right leg.
Note: If the exercise is too hard, do the move without the dumbbells; just reach for the balance board with your hands. If you don't have a board do the same movement without one.

Dumbbell Lunge and Rotation on Balance Board
  • Grab a dumbbell and hold it horizontally by its ends, just under your chin.
  • Step forward with your right foot gently onto the balance board and lower your body into a lunge. As you lunge, rotate your upper body to the right.
  • Repeat all reps on one leg.
  • Return to start
  • Step forward with your left foot gently onto the balace board and lower your body into a lunge. As you lunge, rotate your upper body to the left.
Note: Too hard to perform the movement. try without a the dumbbell. Don't have a balance board do the same movement without one.

Sumo Squat to Stand

  • Gently step both feet onto the balance board.
  • Holding your toes.
  • Straighten your legs as much as you can without losing the natural arch in your spine. (In other words, if your back rounds, you've gone too far.) Move at a slow pace.
  • Repeat movement for all reps.
3 Position Calf Raise

  • Begin by standing with your feet directly under the hip joint.
  • Your feet should really only be about four to five inches apart.
  • Lift your heels up in a controlled motion, taking two counts to get to the top of the motion. No popping up.
  • And lower down in two counts.
  • Repeat all reps before moving to next position.
First Position:
  • Stand with your heels together and your toes apart with your feet making a V. Don't crank at your ankles to make this shape with your feet, but roll your thigh bones away from each other at the hip joint.
  • Raise and lower your heels in this position. This position will work the outer calf a bit more.
  • Repeat all reps before moving to the next position.
Pigeon Toed:
  • Start in a parallel foot position and flare your heels away from one another so you are pigeon-toed. This motion should also happen at the hip joint. This position will work the inner calf more, and is important to do if you overpronate (your feet and ankles tend to collapse your arch).
  • Repeat all reps in this position.
Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOL DOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cool down before hitting the showers.


Other workouts to try:
Balance Board Leg Workout


  1. Is a Bosu ball about the same thing as the balance board?

    1. pretty much. the board is actually more difficult but and less expensive.
