WEEK 2: We are changing up this routine to repeating circuits 2 times. I do love a good chest and back workout and this one doesn't disappoint. With few brakes placed after each circuit it makes for more muscle burn. Get your water, get a towel to mop up the sweat and pump up the volume on your ipod! GO, GO, GO!
This is part of my "Bikini Body 8 Week Program."
WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.
Write down your weights, reps, and sets. This way you can track your progress!
Remember: Do what you can and what you can't do try again next time to finish. You move at your own pace and make it work for you.
TOOLS: Chin-up bar, swiss ball, broom with two chairs, weight bar and free weights.
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the second circuit.
- Dive Bomber Push-up (max reps)
- Inverted Row with feet on ball (max reps)
- Push-up on Swiss Ball (max reps)
- Lat Barbell Bus Driver (8-10 reps)
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the third circuit.
- Swiss Ball Dumbbell Chest Press (8-10 reps)
- Around the World (12-15 reps)
- Side-Lying Single-Arm External Rotation (8-10 reps)
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the first circuit. You will repeat 2 more time all Circuits with brakes in between as written.
- Push-up and Row (10-12 reps)
- Chin-ups Shoulder-width (max reps)
- Isometric Push-up (Hold for max time)
Dive Bomber Push-up
Move from a Downward Dog position with wide hands and feet to an Upward Dog position (the exercise simulates going back and forth underneath a fence). To modify, do these on your knees.
Inverted Row with feet on ball
Grab the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip.Hang with your arms completely straight and your hands positioned directly above your shoulders.Instead of placing your heels on the floor, position them on a Swiss ball.Because the ball is an unstable surface, your core has to work hard to keep your body rigid and balanced.
Push-up on Swiss Ball
Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ball. Pause at the bottom, and then push yourself back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Once your arms are straight again, push your upper back away from the ball. Your shoulders will raise an inch or so past your starting position. The movement is very slight; it's hard to see, but you'll feel the difference. Pause for a count of one, then do another push up and repeat.
Lat Barbell Bus Driver
Wrap a towel around the end of a barbell and wedge that end firmly into a bench. Grab the other end with both hands and hold it in front of your right hip. Your back (left) foot should rotate inward. In a sweeping arc (while keeping your arms straight), twist your torso to bring the barbell in front of your body. Finish with with the barbell on your opposite hip. (Twist your left foot a bit as the bar moves across your body.) Repeat on the other side.
Note: If you don't have a weight bar
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Chest Press
Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a Swiss ball. Your upper and middle back should be placed firmly on the ball. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.Your palms should be facing out, but turned slightly inward. The weights should form a 45-degree angle with your body. Without changing the angle of your hands, lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest. Pause, then press the weights back up to the starting position as quickly as you can. Straighten your arms completely at the top of each repetition. Don't drop your hips.Your feet should be flat on the floor at all times.
Around the World
Grab a weight plate by the sides with both hands and hold it just in front of your chest. Raise the plate up and over one shoulder. Continue a clockwise rotation behind your head keeping the plate close to your body. Continue moving the plate on the path around your head, and return it to its original position after going over the opposite shoulder. Complete all reps moving clockwise, and then repeat, this time going counterclockwise.
Side-Lying Single-Arm External Rotation
Lie on your left side with your left arm bent and your head resting on your left hand. Holding a light dumbbell in your right hand, bend your right arm 90 degrees and tuck your upper arm against your right side. Let the weight hang in front of your midsection. Keeping your upper arm stationary, slowly rotate your forearm until it points toward the ceiling. Then rotate your forearm back to the starting position. The plan: Perform 12 to 15 repetitions, then rest for 1 minute.
Push-up and Row
Place a pair of hex dumbbells at the spot where you position your hands while doing a push up. The dumbbells should be set slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grasp the dumbbell handles and set yourself in push up position. Brace your abdominals--as if you were about to be punched in the gut--and maintain that contraction for the duration of this exercise. This helps keep your body rigid, and doubles as core training. Lower your body to the floor, pause, then push yourself back up. Once you're back in the starting position, row the dumbbell in your right hand to the side of your chest, by pulling it upward and bending your arm. Pause, then lower the dumbbell back down, and repeat the same movement with your left arm. That's one repetition.◦Your torso should not rotate as you row.
Chin-ups Shoulder-width
Grab the chinup bar with a shoulder-width, underhand grip. Keeping your arms completely straight and crossing your ankles behind you, hang at arm's length. You should return to this position—known as a dead hang—each time you lower your body back down. Scroll to bottom for Pull-up & Chin-up Techniques
Note: If you don't have a bar do this exercise.
Lat pulldown

Stand with your feet hip-with apart. Grasp the center of a resistance band with both hands, about a foot apart, and extend your arms overhead. Bend your left arm, drawing your elbow down to the side; stop when you feel a stretch in the left side of your back Slowly extend your arm back overhead and repeat. When your set is through, repeat with your right arm.
Isometric Push-up
Get in plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your chest until it's six inches from the floor. Hold 30 sec
Side-Lying Single-Arm External Rotation
Lie on your left side with your left arm bent and your head resting on your left hand. Holding a light dumbbell in your right hand, bend your right arm 90 degrees and tuck your upper arm against your right side. Let the weight hang in front of your midsection. Keeping your upper arm stationary, slowly rotate your forearm until it points toward the ceiling. Then rotate your forearm back to the starting position. The plan: Perform 12 to 15 repetitions, then rest for 1 minute.
Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOL DOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cool down before hitting the showers.
Pull-up & Chin-up Technique.
- Start each rep from a dead hang with straight elbows.
- Clear the bar with your chin on every rep.
- Squeeze The Bar. And put the bar close to your fingers, not in the palm of your hand. It minimize callus formation.
- Breathe at The Bottom. It's easier to breathe at the bottom. Take a big breath before pulling yourself up.
- Chest Up. Don't let your shoulders go forward: it's unhealthy for your shoulders. Lead with your chest up & keep your shoulders back.
- Look Up. Never look down during Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Look at the bar. Look where you're pulling yourself up to.
- Elbows to The Floor. Drive with your elbows to the floor. This involves your stronger back muscles more.
- Bend Your Legs. And cross your feet. Letting your legs hang means less strength in my experience. Squeeze your glutes on the way up.
- Most common error on Pull-ups & Chin-ups is cheating the range of motion by not going low or high enough on each rep.
- Not Straightening the Arms.
- Start from a dead hang with straight elbows.
- No partial Pull-ups/Chin-ups.Shoulders Going Forward. It's bad posture & bad technique.
- Lead with your chest up while driving your elbows to the floor.
- Using The Hips. Keep your legs inline with your torso, unless you're doing Kipping Pull-ups.
- Chin Over Bar. Nose or forehead against the bar is a partial Pull-up/Chin-up. Chin over bar unless you're not strong enough yet.
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